Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rhode Island Monthly Article

One of the hardest things about cartooning is the selling process. While you're aware most folks enjoy reading them, not a whole lot of people are willing to pay for them. That's the hard reality of the business. Especially now, in an age we're being conditioned to get so much content for free on the internet. Something hard enough to make a living at is made all the harder by technology and the prevalent attitude being fostered by many of it's users. No one wants to champion your work, so you're left with the task yourself.

An attempt I made at trying to sell the idea of running my cartoon monthly in the Rhode Island Monthly met with yet another rejection. They couldn't run my cartoon monthly, but they decided to run an article about me and my cartooning. The article ran in their July 2010 issue.

Here's the URL to their online version of it;

Thanks to this article and an intense letter writing campaign I waged, some newspapers have shown interest. The Providence Journal, The Resident, and the Westerly Sun all expressed interest. As of this writing, the Sun is supposed to run my cartoon on Saturdays sometime soon. The Resident is interested, but because they're a competing paper with the Sun, they won't run the same cartoons.

The quest to sell my work continues . . .

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